
eBooks can transform printed material into interactive, multimedia treasure troves for students and instructors.

Why did we create this asset?

  • A leading Irish educational publisher, Gill Education, launched a new Irish language programme for students ages 4 - 12 years old.

  • The textbook authors wanted to develop assets that provided a clear link between oral language and printed text for young students learning Irish.

  • The Design Rows team developed a series of interactive readers for each printed reader in the junior level of the programme. These interactive readers were created to foster a strong connection between oral language and visual literacy for students learning Irish.

    Each reader had four modes: Read Aloud, Extended Reading, Read Myself and a Picture Dictionary.

    The Read Aloud function highlighted the words on each page as an audio file played the words aloud for students.

    The Extended Reader played an extended version of the audio file that introduced additional vocabulary relevant to the unit to students.

    The Read Myself function allowed students to read along in their own time without audio.

    The Picture Dictionary showed images relating to key words of the unit, which would play an audio file of the term when clicked.



